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Declutter Your Home and Your Mind

Did you know that physical clutter in your home often leads to clutter in your mind? The piles of papers, the clothes at the back of the closet, the old bins of holiday decorations are probably weighing you down more than you think.

I know I put off dealing with clutter because I don't want to decide what to do with all the stuff. So I put things under the bed or store them in bins until later, and later never comes.

As I continue to build a life that brings me meaning and joy, I am focused on getting rid of things that weigh me down.

1. Start with one room

I started with my kitchen. After celebrating two holidays, my adult children moving back home, and a renewed vow to eat healthier, the pantry was a perfect place to start. I took everything out threw away expired food and anything not on the healthy list. I organized what was left into bins and baskets. I added some shelf paper and stacking rows for canned goods, and it was like a new pantry. The best result was the sense of accomplishment I felt after completing this task. It energized me to continue to declutter other areas.

2. Schedule Time

Plan ahead when tackling more significant projects like a closet; instead of continually putting this chore off until "tomorrow," schedule a time on your calendar. Block off enough time to complete the job; leaving it half-finished only creates more clutter.

3. Use the 3 or 4 Box Rule

Start sorting. When digging through closets and drawers, label three boxes to receive the items: keep, donate and throw away. You may find you need a 4th box, not-sure or seasonal. These will help narrow down the process and make for a smoother clean-up.

4. Purge

Before you run out and buy a bunch of storage containers and baskets, get rid of everything you don't want or need anymore. Purging will give you a better idea of how many and what type of storage containers are best for you.

5. The 3 Year Rule

If you haven't used it in three years, chuck it—this applies to clothing, kitchen gadgetry, holiday decorations, anything, and everything, you name it. Chances are, if you haven't put it on or used it in three years, it's not worth your space.

Realize It's a Process

If you are like me, moved a couple of times, cleaned out my parent's home, had two kids, and been married for 27 years, you've collected a lot of stuff! Much of it has sentimental value, and decluttering won't be easy. But if you want to declutter your mind and your home, then permit yourself to take the smallest possible step, and odds are, you'll find the momentum to keep going.

Here are some items I purchased to help me organize my pantry.



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