A Blog is Born
Welcome to Wear the Damn Boots, where you’ll find my occasional thoughts on self-discovery, empowerment, and living a well-rounded, meaningful life. I’ll post about the books I read, my evolving style, products that I love, and every once in a while; I’ll offer some tips and advice. This place is very casual, like having a drink with a friend. Wear the Damn Boots is an extension of my commitment to cultivating my authentic self, a never-ending journey.
Today, I’m leaving you with three things you should do before 2022.
Tip 1: Congratulate yourself on getting through the year. Write down a list of everything you’re proud of from this year; It can be as detailed or as simple as you’d like. A lot can happen in A YEAR, so take a few moments to reflect and remember all of the fantastic things that have happened.
Tip 2: Declutter. Start small; this time of year is busy for all of us. Start with one space, a bookcase, desk, or small room; choose one and get started. Rolling into 2022 with a clean space will make you feel refreshed and ready to focus on yourself.
Tip 3: Focus on yourself. Set your intentions for next year. Now that you’ve reflected and decluttered your life, now it’s time to look forward. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be this time next year? Where do you want to travel? Is there something special you’ve always wanted to do? Take some time to make yourself a priority. Write down your intentions and post them somewhere as a reminder to live a more purposeful life.
Thanks so much for reading, and stick around for next week when I share more about Wear the Damn Boots and reveal a selection of some of my favorite boots. Until then, check out my about page and remember to just Wear the Damn Boots.