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How to Make Vision Board and Manifest the Life You Want

Creating the Life You Desire

Have you recently had significant shifts or changes in your life? Just graduated from school, became a mom, got a new job, turned the big 5-0? When changes like this occur, it's an opportunity to stop and reset the priorities in our lives. We can't continue living like these changes did not happen, so it's time to create a new vision and purpose. No matter your unique goal, one way to start making it a reality is through a vision board.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a planning tool that clarifies and concentrates on specific aspirations and goals. These typically poster-sized visuals contain images and text representing the goals you're trying to accomplish. This visual board is directly connected to your life desires.

There are no rules for creating a vision board. It's about creating something that inspires you to focus on your daily goals. Some make a digital board, while others clip pictures, quotes, and words from magazines and glue them to a poster board.

Does a Vision Board Work?

Writing your goals on paper or creating a vision board can get you closer to accomplishing them. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.

Collecting images representing your goals and displaying those images in plain sight helps you stay focused and engaged in the habits necessary to achieve your goals. A vision board is only the beginning. You must execute your plans, and you have to take action. I have found that creating a vision board and looking at it regularly provokes me to take this most critical step.

Let's Get Started

Since you are resetting your priorities, now is an excellent time to reflect and decide what is most important to you in this stage of your life. It could be spending more quality with your family, finding your first job, or learning to love your body. After selecting some areas to work on, determine if your vision board should be for several months or a year. When I made my vision board, I created it for the entire year. This allows me time to map out the necessary action steps to achieve the goals.

Get Creative

Now is the time to decide what you want yours to look like. Do you want to use pictures from magazines, print images from Pinterest, and glue them to poster boards, or do you want to make a digital vision board using platforms like Canva or Photoshop? I used Canva to create mine. You don't need to be a graphic designer —this program is free (you can upgrade for added functionality and graphics) and is very beginner-friendly. The key is to choose short, powerful words or phrases and images that represent the mood and emotions you need to help you achieve your goals. Once you pick your medium, begin arranging the images and power phrases that convey your goals.

Display It

Put your board somewhere that will allow you to see it daily. Looking at it often helps you visualize the results that you want. I like to put my vision board somewhere I can see it first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, so I tuck one in my journal and keep another near my bathroom mirror. If you go digital, you can print a version and store one on your phone or desktop.

Take Action

Knowing the life you want and creating a vision board is only half the battle- now it's time to take action. Set aside time to decide on action steps you need to take to reach your goals and start adding them to your daily routine. Celebrate and acknowledge the small wins and keep working toward the life you want. Remember, your life will not change overnight.

Vision boards are a work in progress. Add new words and pictures as you accomplish your goals, and rip off items that no longer align with your mission. Adding items and taking things away allows you to acknowledge that nothing is perfect. Be open to variations of your best life!

My Vision Board


I've been clearing out unwanted clutter recently and want to continue to do that throughout the year.


I did not read as much as I wanted last year, and I want to prioritize that.


I want to be mindful of what I eat, less processed and more whole foods.


Life is too short not to celebrate friends and family's small wins and accomplishments.


I want to be more active. I chose a picture of walking on the beach because I live so close and want to take advantage of the beauty around me.


Local women are running amazing small businesses, and I'd love to establish a community to support one another. I envision the group meeting monthly over coffee and learning from one another.


I want to publish more posts here on WTDB, ideally two times a week. I need to plan action steps to make that happen.

I hope sharing my board has helped you imagine what your vision board could focus on and look like. Get creative and have fun!



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