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7 Winter Skincare Tips

Winter can do a number on your skin. Cold, dry air can leave your skin itchy, red, and irritated. Some easy changes to your routine can help protect your skin and leave it feeling smooth all winter long.

Tips for Healthy Winter Face

1. Moisturize Daily.

Our skin absorbs most of what we put on it, and in the winter, we want to help the skin retain its natural oils, so steer clear of products that contain alcohol and fragrances. If you're like me and more inclined to use clean products, I recommend Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer. It leaves my face feeling smooth and protected while using only the best ingredients.

2. Stay hydrated.

Hydrate as soon as you wake up. This is crucial when rehydrating from the water you lose overnight during sleep. You want to aim for twelve ounces of room-temperature spring water.

Without enough water intake, our skin can become drier and duller, and fine lines are more prominent. Drinking water first thing in the morning will aid in flushing out toxins, help the skin become plumper and radiant, and improve its overall elasticity.

3. Protect Your Skin From the Wind.

You'll want to cover your face and protect your lips if you are in the winter wind. I love adding a scarf to spice up my winter look; I went with a sugar plum-colored scarf this year. Use a balm to lock in the moisture, and ensure it contains sunscreen to protect your lips. I use Mineral Tinted Lip Balm with SPF because it comes in various natural-looking tints that add a touch of color.

4. Protect Your Skin From the Sun.

The sun can be damaging to our skin even in the winter. Overexposure to sunlight can lead to premature skin aging and skin cancer. The leading cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet rays from the sun. Even in the winter, you should use sunscreen with a sun-protection factor of 15 or greater if you plan to be outdoors for prolonged periods. I use Coola Makeup Setting Spray SPF 30. It helps set your makeup and protect your skin.

5. Avoid the Tanning Bed.

Tanning beds and artificial sunlamps permanently damage the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. If you want to keep your summer glow, use self-tanners or spray on tans.

6. Humidify

In the winter, the air holds less water which causes it to be drier. Inside isn't much better with the heat running to keep warm. Room humidifiers can be very beneficial; I keep a small one on my nightstand and run it throughout the night. My skin feels so much better in the morning!

7. See your dermatologist

If you have persistent skin concerns or skin growths that concern you, see your dermatologist — not only in winter but any time of the year. While skin cancer is the most common type, it is also one of the easiest to treat when detected early.

These tips should help combat the harsh, dry winter air and keep your skin healthy and beautiful.




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